Frequent incidents of targeted recruitment of children of cadres in various regions trample on social justice

Xinhuanet, Beijing, January 11 (“Xinhua View” reporters Yang Jinzhi, Chen Liming, and Mingxing) Recently, some local agencies, enterprises and institutions have been exposed to “tailor-made” recruitment conditions for the children of cadres, and even “Laozi recruitment” The weird things like “son” and “students take career establishment” have aroused widespread concern and questioning from all walks of life, and are vividly described by netizens as “radish recruitment” with “one carrot and one hole”.

Experts believe that “radish recruitment” nakedly tramples on the principle of openness, fairness and justice, and has a great negative impact on the social structure, social psychology and social atmosphere. For such incidents, apologies and corrections are far from enough. Everyone must be held accountable for favoritism and fraud in accordance with laws and regulations.

Recruitment “absurd drama” frequently staged

At the end of December 2010, a document called “Report on Requests for the Arrangement of Children’s Work” was circulated on the Internet. The reporter was Cao Changqing, the personnel director of Lengshuijiang City, Hunan Province. The report requested the leaders of the municipal party committee and municipal government to “arrange his son to work in the Municipal Finance Bureau.” The report is also accompanied by the autographs of Liu Xiaolong, Secretary of the Lengshuijiang Municipal Party Committee, He Zhiguang, the Mayor, and Chen Weizhi, the Executive Deputy Mayor, agreeing and arranging the report. The investigation revealed that Cao Changqing’s son was an undergraduate at Changzhou University and graduated only in 2011, but the Lengshuijiang City Planning Office has agreed to hire him to the Lengshuijiang City Financial Wages Distribution Center.

Since then, the person in charge of the Lengshuijiang Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government who has given instructions said that Cao Changqing had been critically educated in the organization. He expressed humility to accept the organization’s criticism and education and was willing to accept the organization’s handling. The reporter learned that the Lengshuijiang City Planning Office cancelled Cao Zi’s employment qualifications; the city instructed the discipline inspection and supervision departments to form an investigation team to hold the “relevant responsible personnel” responsible in accordance with laws and regulations.

Recently, “radish recruitment” incidents have also been discovered in many places across the country. “Xinhua Viewpoint” reporters found that the health system of Wugang City, Hunan Province has recruited a group of staff without examinations since 2009 by means of “talent transfer” and “two-way selection”. Among them, more than a dozen new employees have no medical treatment. Educational background, and no qualifications for transfer to a public institution, many people are direct relatives of the leading cadres of the unit.

In the “2010 Township Finance Office and Community Recruitment Guide” in Hecheng District, Huaihua City, Hunan Province, the registration conditions included three items: “One or both parents work in government agencies, enterprises and institutions in Hecheng District”. “The second generation of officials.” After the incident, the local government department revised the recruitment target conditions and no longer set parental status conditions.

In the recruitment of public institutions in Huizhou District, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, the recruitment department restricted the household registration of Huizhou District to be eligible to apply. Among the 29 shortlisted interviewers, there were 7 children of leading cadres. The cadre in charge of the recruitment stated that they cannot be admitted because they are the children of the leader, and the scores are high; the working conditions in mountainous townships are poor and the wages are low, and the recruitment of people registered in the district is more stable. Soon thereafter, the recruitment plan was completely terminated, and the scheduled interview was cancelled.

One wave has not settled, another wave has risen. A few days ago, Juchao District, Chaohu City, Anhui Province, in the open recruitment of some public institutions in 2010, only allowed applicants from the district or whose parents worked in district agencies or institutions to register. Recently, at the request of the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Anhui Province, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Juchao District deleted the unfair recruitment conditions and extended the registration deadline on January 7 to 12.

In fact, in recent years, “radish recruitment” incidents have occurred from time to time, and there have even been many absurd incidents of “fathers recruiting sons”. In July 2009, Xu Zhouding, president of the Dongyuan County Court of Guangdong Province, presided over the party group meeting of the court and agreed to recruit his son Xu as an industrial worker without an examination; in December 2009, the Pingyang County Radio and Television University in Zhejiang Province recruited the principal Lin Chuanbei His son, Lin Tingyao, served as a teacher. In the previous enrollment, only Lin Tingyao actually took the exam, and the other two were “Cao Tuo” invited by the Lin family…

Overturn and start over: Is it a “shield” or a “obstacle”?

Expert analysis believes that although the local party committee and government have remedied and dealt with the many “radish recruitment” incidents recently discovered, the most important thing is to be accountable to the end. Re-recruitment and other practices cannot be a “shielding shield”, let alone “accountability blindness”.

First, who is accountable to? Zou Rong, a professor at East China University of Political Science and Law and an expert in administrative law, said that in the incident of “students entering the career establishment” in Lengshuijiang City, the staff of the municipal organization office and other units directly managed are certainly responsible, and the discipline inspection and supervision departments are already in accordance with the law. Investigate the responsibilities of “relevant responsible personnel” in accordance with regulations. However, did the leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government who gave the written instructions also violated the rules and regulations, or were they also “relevant responsible persons”?

Zou Rong said that in September last year, South Korea’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Yu Myung-hwan, resigned because of the “special recruitment” of his daughter. This is worthy of our careful comparison. “If we are not accountable to the end, we will become a’collective without responsibility’ society.”

Secondly, does “return and start over” cover up responsibility? Zou Rong said that in many “radish recruitment” incidents, once the incident was exposed, the relevant responsible departments tended to cancel the recruitment that had already been carried out, and start over after changing the rules. “But have they considered that there are also some poor students who have taken the exam through proper means and have passed the written exam with great pains. Let them also’take medicine’. Is this appropriate?” Zou Rong said, “‘ “Tear down and start over again.” It must not be a blinding method, and the previous “black box operation” will also be wiped out.”

Third, don’t let “poor wages” and “not retaining people” become a prevarication. Gu Jun, a professor and sociologist at Shanghai University, found that in many “radish recruitment” incidents, the explanation given by the local department was that the recruitment job was difficult, the salary was poor, and locals and the families of local cadres could work more safely. and many more. “The job is not hard, and the salary is not bad. This is for the candidates to judge for themselves; the locals and the families of local cadres can work more at ease, which is obvious regional and identity discrimination.” Gu Jun said, “Don’t underestimate the people’s Common sense, IQ and judgment, otherwise they will become the laughing stock of the people.”

Fourth, we must pay attention to the “devil” of details. “Why do most of the recruitment in public institutions happen? Why do most of the tricks in the interview?”

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