VHPM Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy

This policy applies to the selection and retention of all VIET NAM HIGH PURITY MATERIALS CO., LTD (VHPM) suppliers, subcontractors and sub-suppliers that provide materials containing tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, cobalt and/or mica.

VHPM is committed to sourcing components and materials from companies that share our values regarding respect for human rights, integrity, and environmental responsibility.

We expect all of our suppliers to abide by the requirements of our Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which prohibits human rights abuses and unethical practices. We also require all suppliers to comply with applicable legal standards and requirements.

Responsible minerals sourcing (CMRT) and extended minerals sourcing (EMRT) are VHPM’s commitment to working toward avoiding the use of minerals from conflict affected and high-risk Areas which are affected by the risks defined in the OECD Due Diligence Guidance within our supply chain. Specifically it is about the materials tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, cobalt and mica from the conflict region and countries. VHPM expects its suppliers to take every effort to avoid minerals that are not found to be sourced responsibly.

To ensure transparency within our supply chain, VHPM expects its suppliers to use the standard Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) and the Extended Minerals Reporting (EMRT) of the Responsible Minerals Initiative. Any supplier’s continuing failure to comply with this policy will likely lead to the termination of our business relationship with that supplier.